Ekovest historical share price
Unfortunately for some shareholders, the Ekovest Berhad (KLSE:EKOVEST) share price has dived 30% in the last thirty days. The recent drop has obliterated the annual return, with the share price now down 18% over that longer period. Assuming nothing else has changed, a lower share price makes a stock more attractive to potential buyers. If multiple institutions change their view on a stock at the same time, you could see the share price drop fast. It’s therefore worth looking at Ekovest Berhad’s earnings history, below. Of course, the future is what really matters. KLSE:EKOVEST Income Statement, February 6th 2020. Ekovest Berhad is not owned by hedge funds. Latest stock market data, with live share and stock prices, FTSE 100 index and equities, currencies, bonds and commodities performance. Markets data - stock market, bond, equity, commodity prices - FT.com